Where future thrives

Due to COVID-19 I was longer time not in China. In November 2023 I was again there: Hong Kong and Shenzhen.

It was real good to see that momentum is back and my business partners are having great dynamic for new product innovations.

I could write many words about my stay, but will not do so 😃 Just some key take aways:

Always visit important business partners in person, particularly those with their own production facilities – even if the travel effort is very high. And: Personal relationships cannot be replaced, especially not in Asia. 🤝

China (see areas like Shenzhen and Shanghai) is not only a “production center” anymore. 🏢

The companies/teams there are also driving key product- and technology innovations forward❗️🚀

E.g.: I was driving in three different, highly innovative EV models – which I have not even seen in Germany yet. I am sure they will be available in Germany soon. 😅

It’s great to work internationally and to have long term business partners abroad – cooperating with solid team-work and trust. 🙏

-Michael Letterer, November 2023

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Michael Letterer ist aktives Mitglied in der International Coaching Federation (ICF). Die ICF ist die weltweit führende Organisation für Coaches und Coaching.

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